[00:00:00] Daryl Cagle: Hi, I'm Daryl Cagle and this is the Caglecast where we're all about political cartoons and today we have Taylor Jones. Taylor, it's great to see you. [00:00:09] Taylor Jones: Thank you, Daryl. Happy New Year and I guess happy that 2024 is gone one way or another. [00:00:14] Daryl Cagle: And, here you have a piece dove, Jimmy Carter with his, Habitat for Humanity metaphor in his feet. [00:00:22] Daryl Cagle: And that's just lovely. Taylor, I think you are just the most brilliant caricaturist. And I just had to have you for our Jimmy Carter obituary podcast, because you have so many lovely Jimmy Carters. [00:00:35] Taylor Jones: Thank you. I I'm old enough to have been drawing him. In real time when he was president and same with you. [00:00:41] Daryl Cagle: Here you have Jimmy the Energizer Bunny. This is this is one of the classic editorial cartoonist metaphors because our news just is on repeat and it goes on forever. [00:00:51] Taylor Jones: Of course, as did Jimmy Carter. And this of course is the abbreviated version of the cartoon. The original, The original one was when Jimmy Carter kept passing these milestones, 90, 95, so it's like we were all ready. [00:01:05] Taylor Jones: We're all waiting just in case. But the original, it would be on the Right hand side the cartoon be extended and you had his famous killer rabbit hiding in the, [00:01:16] Daryl Cagle: the people are not going to remember all of these things. For us, we know the killer rabbit. It led to just a whole bunch of editorial cartoons. [00:01:24] Daryl Cagle: Jimmy Carter was out on a boat. boat and this rabbit swam out to him and threatened him like jaws. And this was the time of the movie Jaws. And so this had a resonance with everybody. He needed a bigger boat and that was fun. But we have a problem here, Taylor, which is that our little syndicate has only been in business for 25 years. [00:01:43] Daryl Cagle: So our archives start 25 years ago and we don't have killer rabbits. We don't have anything from when Jimmy Carter was actually president, only from quite a bit after he was president. [00:01:54] Taylor Jones: True. And yet I am not the only person. Who has referred to the killer rabbit in cartoons that have been posted on your site. [00:02:01] Taylor Jones: And of course, newspaper readership, the dwindling newspaper readership out there, a lot of them are, a lot of them remember it too. [00:02:09] Daryl Cagle: But we must explain these things because we are really old. And here you have Jimmy talking to Trump. He says, blessed are the peacemakers. And Trump says only 59. [00:02:20] Daryl Cagle: 95. [00:02:20] Taylor Jones: Yes, of course he's holding his Trump Bible and everything's got a price tag for. The money coming directly to trump and [00:02:27] Daryl Cagle: jimmy carter's age spots make me laugh. [00:02:29] Taylor Jones: Yeah. He's got a lot of them. He had fair skinned lad, [00:02:32] Daryl Cagle: so we're recording this on january 2nd and on january 9th. [00:02:36] Daryl Cagle: He's going to have his big funeral procession in washington dc, so we will leave this up for a few days And tell us about this one You've got I want you to join the war on poverty from LBJ I want you to join the war on drugs from Richard Nixon and I want you to join the moral equivalent of war from Jimmy Carter, [00:02:55] Taylor Jones: This was a piece for Hoover Digest and it was basically talking about how none of these things work. [00:03:00] Taylor Jones: The war on poverty failed sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails, just often it depends on how the general economy is doing. And of course the war on drugs failed, and they were making a point too, because the Hoover Institution doesn't think much of Jimmy Carter. Maybe they give him, they probably give him kudos for the Camp David Accords. [00:03:16] Daryl Cagle: We're going to show a number of cartoons from cartoonists who still didn't have a good view of Jimmy Carter. Oh, [00:03:22] Taylor Jones: right. We're going to, but the moral equivalent of war, which Carter made in one of his White House addresses they showed how that failed and how it should have failed. [00:03:30] Daryl Cagle: And here you have a Mount Rushmore. That's all Jimmy Carter. We have so many Mount Rushmore cartoons and so many that are all Trump. [00:03:37] Taylor Jones: Yeah. Oh, well, this one actually, I did, I drew this again, this is when he first went to the hospice. And I drew this cartoon and set it aside and then I forgot about it. [00:03:47] Taylor Jones: In fact, I haven't posted it with you all yet, so I'm going to post it when it comes, for the Memorial Day for Carter on the 9th of January. [00:03:53] Daryl Cagle: I have lots of mixed feelings about Jimmy Carter. I he had lots of pluses and minuses, but it is sad to see him go but quite a success to live to be a hundred. [00:04:04] Daryl Cagle: Okay, one last Habitat for us all. This is from Steve Sack. Facing mortality with humility, grace, and courage is Jimmy Carter. And building a Habitat for Humanity house. Terrific cartoon. [00:04:15] Taylor Jones: As always with Steve Sack, he just sums it up so, succinctly. [00:04:19] Daryl Cagle: And here's John Darko, Jimmy banging on his Habitat for Humanity house in heaven. [00:04:24] Daryl Cagle: And St. Peter says, Hey, Jimmy, take a break. You already earned your wings. [00:04:29] Taylor Jones: Very good is always beautifully drawn by Mr. Darkow. [00:04:32] Daryl Cagle: So here you got Pat Bagley and Jimmy's got his hammer and he's singing if I had a hammer . [00:04:39] Daryl Cagle: I, that's a cute little. [00:04:40] Taylor Jones: That's brilliant. I think. It's a brilliant perpetive thought of that and to put it down so well just just wonderful. [00:04:47] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, this is Adam Zyglis with Jimmy's scooping up his honesty, integrity, kindness, humanity, peace, peanuts. [00:04:55] Daryl Cagle: He's the famous peanut farmer. Here's another nice Zyglis And one of [00:04:59] Taylor Jones: the few, one of the few, go back a second. One of the few closed mouth characters of Jimmy Carter, because even in death, you remember his teeth. [00:05:06] Daryl Cagle: had a recognizable smile. Now that's what I call a habitat for humanity, as he's walking away from the earth that he just hammered together. [00:05:14] Daryl Cagle: I'm sure that I look at him that way, but it's nice that others do. Here he is having built his wings and his halo from Rick McKee. I thought that was nice. [00:05:24] Taylor Jones: That's nice. I, my feeling about Jimmy Carter was that, [00:05:28] Taylor Jones: He was it's not that he was a bad president, it's that he was an ineffectual one. In some ways, [00:05:32] Daryl Cagle: You remember his presidency from the time it was just dominated by that Iran hostage crisis and all these other things that we talked about Jimmy Carter for, they were just overshadowed by that news coverage every night. [00:05:45] Taylor Jones: That was the last year, but he had other problems with the for instance, his famous [00:05:50] malaise --- [00:05:50] Taylor Jones: speech, I believe was before the hostage crisis. I'm not certain about that, but in some ways, I think Carter is most reminiscent of Herbert Hoover and both were engineers and both were incredibly intelligent. [00:06:02] Daryl Cagle: Because the economy did poorly. [00:06:03] Taylor Jones: They were in but their responses were ineffectual. And the depression took a long time to get through it, FDR was exceptionally effectual, if that's a word. And it's hard to be an effective leader if you don't have that ability. [00:06:18] Taylor Jones: And that's, Enough of me. [00:06:19] Daryl Cagle: That's great. [00:06:20] Daryl Cagle: Here's a nice Jim Day cartoon. I miss Jim Day. He was cartoonist in Las Vegas and Kind of disappeared and if he watches this send me an email Jim. Yeah, but this is from Ratt our New cartoonist . Named Paul Tarr T A R R which kind of add to our a TT But you could call him an anonymous cartoonist. [00:06:42] Daryl Cagle: We're not listing his name in his bio. So that's [00:06:45] Taylor Jones: What's his name? Who's no longer with you? [00:06:47] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, what's his name? And this also, [00:06:49] Taylor Jones: The guy dressed like a terrorist. [00:06:50] Daryl Cagle: Jimmy Carter is no longer with us. And this is from Marion Kamensky, which I thought was pretty weird. I'm not sure. So Jimmy Carter, I guess is getting a better halo than Trump is getting from Musk. [00:07:04] Taylor Jones: I guess he's getting, Trump's getting a worldly halo, and Carter's getting the otherworldly halo. [00:07:10] Daryl Cagle: Worldly. Honest, kind, selfless, charitable, humble, devout, loyal, dedicated, genuine. [00:07:15] Daryl Cagle: How did he ever become president? [00:07:17] Taylor Jones: Yeah, you wonder it's, [00:07:18] Taylor Jones: To hear, of course, with Carter's passing, there was a lot of footage of, and audio of Carter in such a different time. [00:07:25] Daryl Cagle: It's nice to remember people nicely, even if we don't really feel that way. [00:07:29] Daryl Cagle: Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States by Ed Wexler, that's Ed clearly likes Jimmy Carter. [00:07:34] Daryl Cagle: Fine caricature of by Ed as always. And of course that is the classic old. Jimmy Jimmy Carter pose. [00:07:41] Daryl Cagle: It's interesting when when people die, all the images are when they're their oldest. [00:07:46] Daryl Cagle: When in fact, when you're dead, you're every age you were. They could draw any age. [00:07:51] Taylor Jones: It, I tried. It's a little, it, I don't think I pulled it off very well, but on that Mount Carter Moore cartoon I did Carter at different, I did him, I one caricature character on the left. The face on the left was. [00:08:02] Taylor Jones: When he was president and then the last one was at his oldest. [00:08:05] Daryl Cagle: Here is Randy Enos closing the curtain on Jimmy Carter. [00:08:08] Taylor Jones: This is a strange way to put it. [00:08:10] Daryl Cagle: Closing the curtains, very standard kind of metaphor. [00:08:13] Taylor Jones: Yep, I could see I could see where I don't know what to think of this one. [00:08:16] Taylor Jones: It's I can't, I wouldn't, certainly wouldn't with all the Positive cartoons about Carter coming in. I wouldn't count this as one of them saying it's over, he's done. [00:08:24] Daryl Cagle: And it wasn't that long ago that his wife, Rosalynn Carter died. And we had quite a few open cartoons for Rosalynn Carter. [00:08:32] Daryl Cagle: This is from John Darkow. Rosalynn Carter says, ah, wait, Jimmy and I do everything together. [00:08:38] Taylor Jones: It's a night. It's a nice piece. And I. know I caricatured Rosalynn at least once while Carter was president, but not since. [00:08:44] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, here's Rosalynn lighting up the night sky. That's very nice. And Rosalyn walking off into heaven with with Jimmy on her hand. [00:08:54] Daryl Cagle: And an ad for Wrangler Jeans. [00:08:55] Daryl Cagle: This one is Rosalynn Carter's Steel Magnolia from Rick McKee. I guess she was called a Steel Magnolia? [00:09:02] Taylor Jones: I don't know. That's the state flower of Mississippi. [00:09:05] Taylor Jones: Not Georgia. [00:09:06] Daryl Cagle: Very good. Here's Rick with the Lots of get well cards for Jimmy Carter when he announced his cancer. We got a whole bunch of Jimmy Carter cartoons. [00:09:15] Taylor Jones: Yeah, really people wait, cartoon has been ready for a long time. [00:09:19] Daryl Cagle: We had that problem with Nelson Mandela. [00:09:21] Daryl Cagle: Remember Nelson Mandela was about to die for a whole year. And all the cartoonists were drawing Nelson Mandela obits and they were uploading them because won't the editors want to have these ready for when Nelson Mandela dies. But what happened was editors thought, Oh, Nelson Mandela must have died. [00:09:39] Daryl Cagle: And they ran an obit cartoon. And then the readers got really angry because he wasn't dead. That was nothing but trouble for us. [00:09:46] Taylor Jones: Here's really old. That was the case with Francisco Franco and Spain as well. [00:09:51] Daryl Cagle: Oh, Taylor, we're so old. All right. So here's Obama looking at Jimmy Carter in his mirror. It seems like whenever a president has trouble a lot of the naysayers draw them as really being Jimmy Carter because Jimmy Carter had become this, icon for a lousy president. [00:10:09] Daryl Cagle: Ineffectual precedent. [00:10:11] Taylor Jones: Now that's in, that's been translated to Spanish. [00:10:13] Daryl Cagle: for a while, we had a Spanish language service [00:10:15] Taylor Jones: and I was, the problem was [00:10:16] Daryl Cagle: the Spanish language newspapers did not pay their bills. [00:10:19] Taylor Jones: Taylor, I [00:10:19] Daryl Cagle: forget. [00:10:19] Taylor Jones: Did I [00:10:20] Daryl Cagle: read your bio on [00:10:21] Taylor Jones: this? No, it doesn't matter. Most of it's fake. [00:10:23] Daryl Cagle: So here is Taylor Jones, and he is a brilliant caricaturist. He draws for the Hoover Digest at Stanford University. He was the staff cartoonist for many years at the El Nuevo Dia newspaper in Puerto Rico, and he drew for many years for US News and World Report, and he's won a ton of awards. [00:10:38] Daryl Cagle: We love you, Taylor. [00:10:39] Taylor Jones: I have to say, I have to qualify this. I was never an employee of the El Nuevo Dia, and I wasn't technically on the staff, but I don't know, maybe 3, 000 pieces later, it counts. [00:10:47] Daryl Cagle: That's the nature of the way cartoonists work everywhere. So here is Jimmy Carter. That's really a pretty cute Carter. [00:10:54] Daryl Cagle: He says, I'd be comfortable, with a Romney presidency. [00:10:58] Taylor Jones: And, love the elephant. [00:10:59] Daryl Cagle: This was one of those quotes that led to a bunch of cartoons, worst presidents in modern American history, bad, worse, and catastrophic thinks Rivers our anonymous cartoonist. [00:11:09] Daryl Cagle: Habitat for Humanity as Hamas. Oh yes, he went and talked to the Hamas people and was criticized for that. Yeah, it's, uh, in retrospect I guess they are not people that are too responsive when you talk to them. [00:11:22] Taylor Jones: Do you know if, was that before or after the October 7th massacre in Israel? I [00:11:26] Daryl Cagle: think that was about 10 years before. Okay. So here is Sandy Huffaker. I miss Sandy Huffaker. Sandy Huffaker was a great cartoonist for us for about 10 years and he passed away A number of years ago and we do miss him. [00:11:39] Taylor Jones: He was a great cartoonist for sports illustrated as well [00:11:42] Daryl Cagle: Oh, he was in Time magazine Remember that? [00:11:44] Taylor Jones: He was I [00:11:45] Daryl Cagle: that was when I was in high school and he was one of my favorites i'd buy Time magazine just for Sandy Huffaker [00:11:52] Taylor Jones: one of the few actually older than us there. [00:11:53] Daryl Cagle: When you're dead, you're every age my goodness. [00:11:56] Daryl Cagle: Anyway, I miss Sandy. So he's got Jimmy Carter, and Jimmy Carter says, Please forgive me for saying you were the worst president. I'm so irrelevant, I'll never tell the truth again. As he wears his sackcloth and ashes. And I, I remember Jimmy Carter talking about George W. Bush as the worst president. [00:12:13] Daryl Cagle: That made for a ton of cartoons, because of course, the cartoonists agree with that. You [00:12:18] Daryl Cagle: Nothing to say on this? [00:12:19] Taylor Jones: oh I'm just concentrating on Huffaker's George W. [00:12:23] Daryl Cagle: That's a wonderful George W. Here's Paresh Nath from India having Jimmy Carter laughing about Bush is the worst in history. And J. D. Crowe, Bush is the worst president ever. Yeah. I feel you, Jimmy. Some arrogant jerk is going to break my record too. [00:12:39] Daryl Cagle: This is Hank Aaron. [00:12:41] Daryl Cagle: These cartoons are so old. Bob Englehart drew Carter pointing at naked George W. Bush, and not only that, he's the worst emperor in history. [00:12:52] Taylor Jones: He's got George W. Bush there looking like Beatle Bailey. [00:12:55] Daryl Cagle: As time went on, Bob drew George W. Bush more cartoony with bigger head and smaller body. [00:13:02] Daryl Cagle: It's interesting how presidents evolved. [00:13:04] Taylor Jones: Speaking of that Oliphant, during Carter's presidency. Presidency kept drawing Carter smaller and smaller. [00:13:10] Daryl Cagle: Yes. So shorter and shorter. [00:13:12] Taylor Jones: There's a lot of ideas. I think a lot of start from Oliphant [00:13:15] Daryl Cagle: that also happened with George W. [00:13:17] Daryl Cagle: Bush. And in the case of many cartoonists, he looked more and more like a monkey. [00:13:22] Taylor Jones: He does. He's a yeah, that I portrayed him. I portrayed him as a monkey on Jeb Bush's back once. And the other time, yeah, he was he had a, he has a Simeon look about him. [00:13:34] Taylor Jones: That's a nice way of putting it. [00:13:35] Daryl Cagle: Mirror on the wall. Who's the worst president of them all? That one's good. [00:13:39] Taylor Jones: Nice one by Matson. [00:13:44] Taylor Jones: Shrek, the worst administration in history. Watch how we stay relevant, Jimmy. This is George W. Bush is Shrek. [00:13:51] Taylor Jones: Another Matson. I That's a funny idea. I never would have thought of him as Shrek. [00:13:57] Daryl Cagle: Jimmy Carter is the donkey, makes sense. And Cheney is Puss in Boots. That's funny. I like that. Remember Mike Lane? I miss Mike Lane. Yes, I do remember Mike Lane. Mike Lane was just a great cartoonist for the Baltimore Sun. Who did he draw for? For the Baltimore Sun. And he was with us for seven or eight years before he passed away. [00:14:14] Daryl Cagle: And I miss him. He was a wonderful cartoonist who never got the attention and credit I think that he deserved. But he deserved a lot. And George W. Bush here says, Some say I'm not good enough to shine your shoes. I'm good enough to shine your shoes. What do you say, Mr. Carter? Huh? Missed the spot. [00:14:31] Daryl Cagle: And Brian Farrington, our editor, used to be a great editorial cartoonist before he gave it up just to be an editor. Which is I think it's sad, Brian should draw cartoons again. So he's got Jimmy Carter's Bush is history, but let's not forget the Carter era, 12 percent inflation, 21 percent interest rates, hostage crisis, the sweaters, and don't forget disco. [00:14:51] Daryl Cagle: It's the only cartoon I've seen that blames Jimmy Carter for disco. [00:14:55] Taylor Jones: Yeah, no, he was a disco era president. I loved disco. [00:14:59] Daryl Cagle: you look funny with the shades. Taylor. [00:15:02] Daryl Cagle: I can't stand the glare for this. [00:15:04] Daryl Cagle: So here he is with Rosalyn n being a nice Habitat for Humanity guy, and she's working on mental health. [00:15:11] Taylor Jones: Very good. [00:15:11] Daryl Cagle: Here's Joe Biden painting himself Norman Rockwell style as Jimmy Carter from Dick Wright, who doesn't like Biden or Jimmy Carter, so he draws the equivalent. But a great piece. I think we've all drawn this metaphor here. Joe Heller. Actually, it's more of a club than a distinction. [00:15:29] Daryl Cagle: Thanks for clearing that up. President ever club. [00:15:32] Taylor Jones: That's good. [00:15:33] Daryl Cagle: Here's Rivers again. He's combined Jimmy Carter with Joe Biden. [00:15:37] Taylor Jones: This is interesting. Pause in this a moment because yeah, he's pulled it off, he's got he's got the it's more no, I think he's, now I don't know that anybody would, without the explanation, I don't know that anybody would. [00:15:49] Daryl Cagle: Yeah, it needs a label to know what's going on here. [00:15:51] Taylor Jones: And then if you look at him, [00:15:52] Taylor Jones: He's really pretty well combined the two. [00:15:54] Taylor Jones: Here's Dick Wright, who doesn't like Joe Biden. Jimmy, what are you up to? Why do you keep smiling? Nothing, Rosalynn. I'm just thanking God for Joe Biden. He thanks him, because, in Dick Wright's mind, Joe Biden is worse than Jimmy Carter and makes him look good. [00:16:10] Taylor Jones: Gee, just thought of this and probably shouldn't say it. [00:16:13] Daryl Cagle: Go ahead. I can edit it out. [00:16:15] Taylor Jones: We may be back with Biden more cartoons before you know it. [00:16:18] Daryl Cagle: Oh, you think Biden's going to die soon, we're going to have all the Biden obit cartoons. They're probably going to follow these same lines. [00:16:25] Taylor Jones: I'll tell you this. There have been times in our history when we've had a bunch of ex presidents alive, and there have been times when we've had very few. [00:16:32] Taylor Jones: But now, the only ex president who's not old is Obama. [00:16:38] Taylor Jones: And Obama's in his early sixties now. [00:16:40] Daryl Cagle: And Clinton's the only one from the 20th century. [00:16:42] Taylor Jones: That's right. And I don't know, Clinton was in the hospital recently we might have a slew of them. [00:16:47] Daryl Cagle: Oh boy. So the incompetent president penitentiary, that's where incompetent presidents go. [00:16:53] Daryl Cagle: Jimmy meet your new cellmate, Joe. He's in for serial nincompoopery too. [00:16:59] Taylor Jones: That's funny that, of course we all think of Carter today or not Dick Wright, but, or Rivers. But a lot of things, the popular perception now is that Carter was a thoroughly decent man above all else, but he could be ruthless and He could be he was [00:17:13] Daryl Cagle: he was unsympathetic to a lot of people. [00:17:17] Taylor Jones: He could be arrogant He's that goes with being a brilliant engineer [00:17:21] Daryl Cagle: Brilliant engineer because he, he ran a submarine but I think that it was the 55 miles an hour speed limit that made most people angry. [00:17:30] Taylor Jones: Especially where you live, out west, not so much in the northeast. [00:17:34] Taylor Jones: A lot of people actually liked it. Not out, not where you live. [00:17:37] Daryl Cagle: No probably in almost all the country, all those red states and [00:17:41] Taylor Jones: Oh yeah, [00:17:42] Daryl Cagle: and that idea of wear a sweater and turn your heat down, You know He was just tone deaf on a lot of stuff [00:17:49] Taylor Jones: I think you put her, I think he was a tone deaf visionary. [00:17:52] Taylor Jones: In many ways he was way ahead of his time. Okay. [00:17:53] Daryl Cagle: So this is an interesting one, Taylor. You asked me to include this one. There's a teeny little Jimmy Carter in there, peeking out between Tip O'Neill and Jesse Jackson. What's going on here on this oldie? [00:18:05] Taylor Jones: This is a cover I drew for the New Republic. [00:18:06] Taylor Jones: It was my first cover for the New Republic. I did a lot of work for them for about 16 years, I think. But Democrats Democrats. Unlike Republicans, are super into recriminations, as it says there in the title. They [00:18:19] Daryl Cagle: Oh, Democrats give as good as they get for recrimination. [00:18:22] Daryl Cagle: what I mean is that they, whenever they lose, they're merciless on themselves. [00:18:27] Daryl Cagle: They self flagellate. Whereas Republicans just move on, or in recent years, they just deny, they lost, or they just, I remember there was supposed to be a sort of a post mortem for the Republicans after Romney lost, because so many Republicans thought he would win, even though they didn't really like him. [00:18:42] Daryl Cagle: but the post mortem was quickly was immediately ignored, and they went back to being what they are, You know, Democrats are tearing themselves up now, even though, Trump got like 49. 8 percent of the vote and Harris got 40. 8. 4. It's and yet it's as though the sky had fallen and that this is the most crushing victory since FDR beat Hoover in 32. [00:19:02] Daryl Cagle: Okay. Taylor, only one person in this image is still alive, and who is that? [00:19:08] Taylor Jones: Jesse Jackson. [00:19:09] Daryl Cagle: Jesse Jackson, the only one still alive, which is boy, as our drawings get older, your first magazine cover [00:19:16] Daryl Cagle: they just pass away. [00:19:17] Taylor Jones: I should point out that the Jimmy Carter, this piece. [00:19:20] Taylor Jones: It's like, each character there is blaming the other. Mondale's blaming himself, but everybody's also blaming Jimmy Carter, even four years later. [00:19:26] Daryl Cagle: Okay, and here you have Jimmy Carter. Tell us about this. This is from your President's book. [00:19:32] Daryl Cagle: This is, talk about old, I'll take my glasses off. [00:19:34] Daryl Cagle: I'd like to read this. I've done it so many times, but I drew a book Adverse to Presidents 1981, it was published, I think, in 82. so I did all the presidents from Washington to Reagan. And all the originals were in color, but I tried to find publishers and rather than be a a writer who decides I'm going to get what I want and go to 30, 50 publishers. [00:19:55] Daryl Cagle: I finally settled on a publisher, and I settled, unfortunately, for him producing it, and in grayscale, and sell, a very cheap production, and it didn't sell very much, but it still pops up once in a long while. You can find it on Amazon. [00:20:08] Daryl Cagle: So [00:20:08] Daryl Cagle: update it and redo it! [00:20:09] Taylor Jones: I've thought of it. [00:20:10] Taylor Jones: That's a lot. I've thought of doing that. I have [00:20:13] Taylor Jones: a question for you, Taylor. Why the Confederate battle flag on his hat? [00:20:17] Taylor Jones: Yes, I wouldn't do that now. But people have to remember, and you will remember this, is that Jimmy Carter was the first celebrated governor of the New South. [00:20:26] Taylor Jones: That was a new term, and it was a term where the South was booming, where the South was changing the corner, certainly in, civil rights, where cities like Atlanta and Birmingham and other major southern cities were electing black mayors and back then, you had Carter and a number of other Democrats leading to Bill Clinton eventually, who were they had cast aside a lot of the racial things they would, they would campaign on. [00:20:48] Taylor Jones: And they would support, they would they would enlist support of African Americans. In fact, George Wallace did that himself. running for reelection in 1970, he suddenly was, or maybe it wasn't 70, it might have been 72, I forget. But he too suddenly was championing civil rights, which is interesting because he was something of a, ahead of his time, early on in his career, before he figured that, You got to play the race card if you're going to win. [00:21:09] Taylor Jones: And in that time, and as Jimmy Carter ascended to the white house, there was a celebratory nature of of the South. And in some ways the confederate flag [00:21:17] Daryl Cagle: There's nothing new South about the confederate battle flag. [00:21:21] Taylor Jones: Let me finish it. You can edit out as much as you want. But the thing was that there was a certain, even though the confederate battle flag was still associated with the Klan, et cetera. [00:21:30] Taylor Jones: There was a certain kitschiness to it at the same time. And one of the most popular television programs of the day was the Dukes of Hazzard and the Dukes of Hazzard. I maybe watched it once or twice, but the lead character, [00:21:43] Daryl Cagle: It was on top of their car [00:21:45] Taylor Jones: it's right. He had the stars and bars emblazoned under the hood of his car. And he later ran for Congress in Georgia and served a few terms. I think his name was Ben Jones. But that's why this was the kitschy era. So that's why I have it on there, but may I read it? [00:21:58] Daryl Cagle: Sure. Go ahead. [00:21:59] Taylor Jones: James Earl Carter hailed from the south. A few too many teeth in his mouth. During winter, he wore a cardigan sweater. Perhaps someday we'll understand him better. He made us a promise never to lie, but look into his rattlesnake eyes. As commander in chief, he was man of the hour. But Jimmy Carter never understood power. [00:22:16] Taylor Jones: The result was that Jimmy lost some respect. Ol Brezhnev thought him a total reject. His brother provided him grand entertainment till Billy signed on as a Libyan agent. At Carter's legislation, the Congress balked. At his ego, Teddy quite mocked. In the arena, Jimmy made his last stand. [00:22:32] Taylor Jones: They're trapped by mullahs. In Iran's shifting sand. [00:22:35] Daryl Cagle: That was very nice, Taylor. [00:22:36] Taylor Jones: Thank you. And that, of the poems I wrote from Washington to Reagan, I think this one has stood the test of time. I'm, don't mean to sound boastful here, but I think Both as Carter was and as people looking back at him. [00:22:49] Taylor Jones: I think I think this is pretty accurate [00:22:51] Daryl Cagle: This is one of my favorites and this hangs on my wall And this is your your presidents, all together although not including Trump [00:22:59] Taylor Jones: I was commissioned to do this by the Chicago Tribune and it ran in a special section. [00:23:05] Taylor Jones: Of course, Obama, being a Chicago guy. for his inauguration, the newspaper had a supplement and this ran somewhere in the supplement. [00:23:12] Taylor Jones: I think this is just a beauty and you had to make an uncomfortable edit on this. This was the original. [00:23:19] Taylor Jones: Our older viewers will remember the incident where an Iraqi guy in a press conference threw a shoe at President Bush and you had him throwing the shoe, but your editors didn't want that, so you put John Adams in there instead of the shoe. [00:23:34] Taylor Jones: I chose John Adams after they, actually the man threw two shoes. And one thing that. One thing that Bush demonstrated that it pretty much, he was a pretty athletic and man of good reflexes. [00:23:45] Daryl Cagle: Yes, he ducked [00:23:47] Daryl Cagle: those shoes very effectively. It looked expert at doing it his first time. [00:23:52] Taylor Jones: Like he'd been hurled at before. [00:23:55] Taylor Jones: But yeah, they didn't want to do that. And they didn't, the thing is, if I recall, they didn't make the objection right away. I guess it passed through several hands and said, wait, we can't have this. So I had to add that very quickly, and I think, did I send you the I sent you the both, [00:24:08] Daryl Cagle: so Taylor, yes, that was the last one. [00:24:11] Taylor Jones: Didn't mean to boast there about the Carter. Inclusion in the in the President in the adverse to presidents, yeah, [00:24:17] Daryl Cagle: so Taylor. Any last words about Jimmy Carter? [00:24:20] Taylor Jones: It's amazing. He wrote so many books. He was I didn't know this I know he wrote some books of poetry. [00:24:24] Taylor Jones: I don't know that they sold well, although being former president They probably still sold It's a little better than any other poet's words but he was a He was an aficionado of Dylan Thomas and he went to some big celebration of Thomas in Wales, [00:24:37] Taylor Jones: A [00:24:37] Taylor Jones: certain [00:24:38] Daryl Cagle: This is a podcast with young people watching. [00:24:40] Daryl Cagle: You've got to explain Dylan Thomas. [00:24:42] Daryl Cagle: Okay then I guess I have nothing else to say about Jimmy Carter. [00:24:45] Daryl Cagle: All right, Taylor. I think we had an excellent podcast today. Thank you so much for joining me here. [00:24:52] Taylor Jones: You're welcome. My pleasure. And I feel honored to be [00:24:54] Taylor Jones: one of your solo guests. Oh, very good. [00:24:56] Taylor Jones: Remember to subscribe to the Caglecast wherever you're watching or listening today, our Caglecast is available in both video and audio versions. So if you don't see the cartoons, go to Cagle.Com or apple podcasts or Rumble or YouTube or Spotify or Caglecast.Com to see the cartoons in the video podcast. [00:25:15] Taylor Jones: And Taylor, thank you again so much for joining us. [00:25:18] Taylor Jones: Anytime. [00:25:19] Taylor Jones: All right, that is the end and we will see you later.